
A React renderer for Notion pages. Use Notion as CMS for your blog, documentation or personal site.


This page was rendered by react-notion & was developed by Splitbee. Splitbee is an easy to use analytics and conversion tool for any team.


Getting Started

Install the react-notion package using npm or yarn Check our repository to learn how to use react-notion


Tutorials & Starters



⚡️ Fast – Up to 10x faster than Notion *

🎯 Accurate – Results are almost identical

🔮 Code Highlighting – Automatic code highlighting with prismjs

🎨 Custom Styles – Styles are easily adaptable. Optional styles included

* First Meaningful Paint compared to a hosted example on Vercel.

Demo Content


All kind of text styling options are supported.

Compare this page to the original Notion page

Supported Features


  • First Item
  • Second Item
  • Third Icon
  • Sublist
    • Item 1
      • Nested
      • Nested
    • Item 2
  1. First Item
    1. Item 1
      1. Nested
      2. Nested
    2. Item 2
  1. Second Point
  1. Third Point
This is an example quote.
You can toggle this list

This is hidden content 🤫


Complex Layouts

This is an
This is an image caption
Notion image
Notion image

Nesting works just fine.

It is also responsive.



Code Snippet
const Example = () => (
  <div style={{ maxWidth: 768 }}>
    <NotionRenderer blockMap={blockMap} />
Video Embed
Custom Content
